Contact Us

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    Experience the revolution of mobile MRI scanning!

    Are you looking for a reliable partner who can provide fast and high-quality MRI scans? We would like to introduce you to our company, which specialises in the provision of mobile MRI screenings, and is fully focused on ensuring partner and patient satisfaction.

    Reliability: Our company is built on trust. We are known for our commitment to a customer-focused approach and professional service. Our team comprises experienced radiology technicians, radiologists, and technical experts dedicated to ensuring that the screenings conducted on our customers are reliable and yield accurate results.

    Quality: Our main goal is to provide the highest quality in every aspect.
    From designing the screening process to analysing the results, we ensure that every step undergoes meticulous quality control. We use the latest technology and best practices to ensure that the highest standards are met.

    Speed: In a rapidly evolving world, we recognise the importance of swift solutions.
    Our efficient process enables us to respond promptly and deliver results without compromising on quality. Your schedule is important to us and, we are committed to providing a fast and timely service.

    We are ready to be your reliable partner in mobile MRI screening. Reach out to us today and take a step closer to helping your patients more effectively!

    Prerequisites for becoming our partner:

    The Cranfeld Clinic uses the latest 1.5T MAGNETOM Viato.Mobile, which brings magnetic resonance imaging scans closer to people, and provides fast and reliable answers to health enquiries.

    Book your MRI scan now

    Cranfeld Clinic OÜ
    Veerenni tn 53a Tallinn Harjumaa 10138
    Registry code: 16385217

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      The booking system is currently under development.
      Please contact us at or +372 5303 6257.